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“Translation is the communication between two cultures in a written form.”  

By Sebastian Velandia

“Translation is the way in which two cultures can communicate with each other.”

By María Camila Ramirez

“Translation is a discipline that creates a product of arduous work that contains the essence of human culture which is expressed into different languages in order to communicate an accurate gist of a determined message to different cultures.”

By Mateo Alejandro Castillo Álvarez

“Translation is the science which helps us to understand, communicate and know about other cultures. It is the way in which we can break the barriers among them, taking into account that it is not an easy job. Besides, it cannot be done by everybody who pretends to know English; it is for specialized people.”

By Tania Velasquez

“Translation is the gate between cultures which makes us come together as one.”

By Pablo Florez Sanchez

“Translation is like a bridge that allows translators to cross two different cultures; communicating a message from one language to another.”

By María Camila Revelo

“For me, translation is the art and the ability to communicate the meaning from one language (the source) to another language (The target) in a written way

By Natalia Hincapié Botero

“Translation is the purest form of sharing written culture between people who speak different languages.”

By David Arias

“Translation is the approximation to a different culture, language, thoughts, and people’s way of living through the creation of language exchange.”

By Kevin Velásquez Ruiz

“Translation is the ability to transform a written text from one language to another, keeping the sense that was put in the original text to the target language. “

By Mauricio Molina

“Translation is like art which involves a lot of creativity requiring mental process to keep the essence of message.”

By Daniela Molina

“Translation as the final outcome, requires traductology which deals with different processes in order to do an accurate job.”

By Erick Cárdenas

“Translation is a difficult discipline that not because of the fact of knowing a language, translation can be practiced; it goes beyond and it is a constant process of learning.”

By Juan Carlos Vela

“Translation is the way in which texts, messages and writings are spreaded in various languages”.

By Yurany Fernanda Giraldo

In my opinion, translation is an art and a process that allows us to share ideas and messages in different languages in an adequate way; It takes a good preparation and once it is mastered, it is the biggest proof of how wide and accurate our knowledge about languages is.

By Daniela Nieto

“Translation for me, is a technique that allows to translate the sense or the soul of a text which is in a language different from our own language in order to learn, get and communicate different points of view, knowledge from different cultures, topics and from different generations.”

By Jessica Villoria Guerrero

“Translation is the art of communicating an exact message in different languages conveying the original meaning and intention through the use of different cultures whereby communicating them and making the world smaller.”

By Santiago Perez

“For me, translation is a way to facilitate communication between different languages and cultures. Translation combines passion and skills that allow the translators to develop an appropriate result.”

By Lina María Patiño

"Translation is the one that allows us to go through different languages to find the sense of a message in order to share with the community the meaning conveyed."

By Manuela Ocampo Montoya

“Translation is the way translators transmit the message of a given text and the important thing is to preserve the essence of the intention as well.”

By Valentina Villamil

"I consider translation as, first, a cultural tradition which has been part of our civilisation and has helped us to develop and connect our ideas and perceptions towards the world. And, second, it's a written practice which is lead to pass a specific piece of text from one language onto another one, without leaving aside the sense, the feelings, the internal concepts, and the intentions from the source text itself and the author's.”

By Andrés Rojas


Translation Course started in 2010 as part of the Modern Languages Program Curriculum. It is addressed to those students who want to go further particularly in this field. This  elective has been mainly designed  to reflect upon the  theoretical as well the practical aspects that deal with direct and reverse translation. It is pretended that the learner will improve his/her translation competence.


Facultad de Educación

Universidad del Quindío

Carrera 15 Calle 12 Norte
Armenia, Quindío.


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© 2017 by Translation I, University of Quindío.

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